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Afrika - Africa in 2024

Oh, happy day!

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Hohewarte II, Luebeck, Germany




To the ZDF

Television service


Father Stephan Vorwerk

and the Catholic community of

St Peter and Paul


The German language docuemnt you may find here!

Lübeck, 18/19 August 2024

Oh, happy day, oh happy day! Let psalms, hymns and spiritual songs resound in your midst, singing and rejoicing to the Lord with all your heart! (Eph 5:15-20) Oh, Happy Day!          


                                                    Dear Readers, Dear Father Stephan,

Today, on the 20th Sunday of the liturgical year B, I would like to mix the wine and set the table! (Prov 9:1-6) Because today my person once again followed the Roman Catholic television service, which was very informative and can be described as successful, but the Eucharistic celebration took place as a matter of course, as if you make a great show of learning.

In your free speech, Father Stephan, you spoke of the broken bread of Jesus and interpreted the broken human being or spoke of fragility, if my person understood you correctly. But if you are already talking about a break or about breaking in connection with the breaking of the bread in your speech, then you should also include our Lord God in this train of thought.

What about our Lord God; might he not also break one day or even is broken already? Why don't you question what is really going on here on earth with God and the world and why do you think that only man is fragile? How do you even come up with your interpretation of the breaking of bread, which in the usual sense may be understood as the sharing of bread?

Breaking bread usually means that the bread that has come from heaven is shared with at least two people and it also means the distribution of the true food. (John 6:51-58) If you have spiritually transferred the breaking of bread to the breaking or fracture, then you have dealt with half the truth or a half-truth, which is at least better than nothing at all! What do you and other spiritual people actually think in relation to God's fragility when millions of human lives are aborted or millions of people have to starve to death in the world, even though we as humanity live in the 21st century of the digital nuclear age and also allow or have not prevented wars from determining everyday life for many people? 

Or can God not break? Is he unapproachable and incapable of entering into or facilitating a relationship or connection with mankind by having been created or willed for mankind in this hardened way? Is he an unrelated God; without knowing or living love?

But if you take a closer look at the Bible and life, then the Lamb of God is actually love itself, so Jesus, the Son of God, is rather the love personified, which you and your brothers in the Lord, however, simply squander more or less consciously by generously sharing out the broken bread to everyone, even to those who have long since said goodbye to the love of God and changed sides!

Perhaps many people have said goodbye to God because they are broken in life! Perhaps the devil then reached out his hand to these broken people and this and that person took it! And if my person once again has to parade the Empress, then it must be clearly questioned why human in the present and last century of world history does not share justly with the people from the hunger regions of the world, even if human has already been called to do so several times through wisdom and mixed wine?

What is wrong with you? You and every other Christian have been called upon not only to care for your well-being and that of your loved ones, for example by formulating good intercessions, which also included the school beginners in the service of your St Peter and Paul parish, which visibly inspired each of the parishioners.

And now we have reached the latest state of affairs at UNICEF regarding the above-mentioned breaking of the bread. UNICEF is promoting a gift for school starters, with school children receiving monthly mail from Paddington, a travel guide designed to show or explain the world to children, with the good cause that the net proceeds from this campaign will go to the hungry world.

                                                                           Extract from the Internet:

At the same time, you help children in need with a monthly contribution to UNICEF. In this way, you ensure that malnourished children are saved with special food. Or that classrooms destroyed by wars and disasters can be refurbished.’


At least we can finally recognise an idea to bring the reality of the people in the hunger regions closer to the children and thus to future generations. However, it will be difficult to explain to school beginners, for example, Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Syria and the surrounding war zones, Kenya, the Central African Republic, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Niger, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Mozambique and other affected famine areas of the world.

It will be particularly difficult to answer the urgent question of some of the children as to why there is so much food and shopping centres here and other people and children don't even get a little to eat or drink. Of course, you can argue with civil wars or even a war being waged in countries where you can't reach the people affected.

Other children will have to think that it is quite normal for people without prospects in life and therefore without work to have no money to buy something to survive on. And so these people have to ask for their daily bread because others or the parents of the schoolchildren have earned the money. And if the children's parents argue in the same way, then these children naturally feel subconsciously valued or worth more than the children of unemployed parents in the drought areas and they feel that if they don't take good care of themselves at school, they could end up like that one day.

This raises the question of why children are already being burdened with the problems of the world and the responsibility of these starving people. Why don't you as adults immediately solve the problems that can be solved and why do you want to hide behind the children and drag out such a dirty legacy and pass it on to future generations? Why, when the logistics companies and the money have been distributed to individual administrators worldwide (millionaires, billionaires) and it is preferably the institution of the Church that is called upon to act in order to set an example and call on Christianity in particular to share sustainably?

                                              Why are all the world's rich countries and the Church joining in?

UNICEF basically wants to legitimise evil and starvation with the help of a good cause or idea, but that is not the way to achieve the goal! The path that leads to the goal would be the following: Many of the countries of the world, preferably the European Union and the USA, will join forces and immediately advance the necessary capital by withholding at least 2 % to 5 % of the gross salary or monthly social benefits, such as pensions, as a regular solidarity surcharge from every citizen who has more than 1,200 euros a month at their disposal. All millionaires and multi-millionaires or billionaires will also relinquish the ‘appropriated capital’ in order to personally take care of sustainable projects in the hunger regions. Every transaction of money must be monitored down to the last penny from the sender to the recipient and remain verifiable.

On site in the dry areas or drought, water pumps will be needed or water cycles will have to be constructed by searching for and finding water sources or creating water diversions. Furthermore, solar energy, which should be constructed in a well thought-out way and which can be switched off if necessary by fulfilling several purposes, is urgently and extensively needed, perhaps by providing protection from the sun or, conversely, the rain for the fruit and vegetables grown by installing solar panels in a roofing over way*, as has just been shown for us German locals in the programme ‘Bingo, the environmental lottery’.

Of course, it would be nice if the children in the famine areas could also receive mail from Paddington, for which every child needs at least a letterbox and a postal address. This presupposes that for each African family, consisting of a single woman and a man, a small but nice little house made of wood or stone would have to be constructed and built, which preferably the local men or young people could achieve with the help of Christians or men from different cultures.

A school, a hospital and a doctor for the children and adults and thus the village centre, which should not be missing and which basically needs a church, would be the way to achieve the goal for all people. Television and WLAN are also part of the connection to the world market and are important for the flow of information.

Such a house should be collapse-proof and storm-tested, which can be cultivated with an allotment garden or agricultural land, in order to ultimately guarantee self-sufficiency for the population, as in the foreseeable future every state on earth will have to deal with the disasters that are inevitable!

At the very least, in addition to the increasing flow of refugees, the risk of epidemics is being greatly reduced by a sensible strategy, which quite obviously wants to come from two sides and this and much more is being done immediately and no longer asks whether or not there is a war going on in the country!  And if my person has once again done your and other people's work and task in vain, then you and others can ‘get the shock of one`s life’! 


                                                                             With best wishes,

                                                                       Ursula Sabisch, Empress

HP: We are all in a time that is approaching the end of the old world and thus the Last Judgement, and fortunately           every single person has been given a fair chance by Creation to change to the right side of life. Therefore, this                                               opportunity must at least be brought home and offered to every human being!

​Document checked on 20. August 2024.